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A trademark is the distinctive identification that distinguishes the product or service from the competition. A emblem, image, symbol, phrase, sound, scent, colour mix, or graphics may all be used to create a distinctive identity or language. The majority of companies only seek registration of their logo or name. If you have created a one-of-a-kind concept or slogan, the only way to defend it as your own distinct brand is to claim it as a trademark. A registered trademark is the intellectual property or intangible product of your company. It serves as a defensive mask for the company’s branding or brand investment.
The Controller General of Patents, Designs and Trademarks, Ministry of Industry and Commerce, Government of India, registers trademarks in India. The Trademark Act of 1999 is where you can register your trademark. The registration gives you the legal right to sue someone who tries to steal your trademark. Often, no one else can use a trademark that is identical to one that has already been licenced. You will use a R symbol for a trademark after it has been registered, and it will be valid for ten years from the date of registration. Within three days, you can conveniently obtain a TM. However, getting a ® will take up to two years. If your trademark licence is about to expire, you should still get a new one.
A Fantastic Business Chance
Customers are more likely to trust, trustworthiness, pricing, and goodwill whether a product or service is offered under a registered trademark. It gives you a distinct identity as compared to other sellers, particularly when selling on online marketplaces such as Amazon, Flipkart, and others.
Security from the Law
If you have licenced your logo, brand name, or slogan and suspect that it is being used by someone else, you can take legal action and sue them.
Obtain Your Individual Identity
Only the brand would enable customers to recognise a specific product or service. A trademark registration means that entrants can not exploit it, ensuring that it is a company’s exclusive possession.
An Advantage
If the company becomes well-known and successful, the trademark will be a valuable asset. It is commercially contractable, sellable, and franchiseable.
Trademark Registration on a Global Scale
A trademark that has been registered and filed in India can also be registered and filed in other countries. In the same way, foreigners will register a trademark in India.